
Develop and Implement a Strategy

To navigate disruptions, companies must transform their activities. BDO supports businesses in crafting their strategies and implementing them across all aspects of the organization:

  • Transforming the customer value proposition.
  • Revamping operations to deliver products and services effectively.
  • Restructuring teams in terms of size and skills.
  • Redefining sourcing policies.
  • Enhancing risk management strategi

Define the Strategy

We assist our clients in defining corporate strategies that leverage market trends to their advantage.
 We also help them refine strategies for priority objectives, such as sustainability initiatives.

Case Study :

BDO Advisory supported Vivendi Group in developing its global CSR strategy, including the design of three environmental, social, and societal roadmaps.

Transforming the Customer Value Proposition

When the market faces problems, companies have to rethink their offer, target customers, means of distribution and pricing policy.

BDO helps clients:

  • Adjusting the strategies for their products and services, segmenting the market, and coverage for sales. 
  • Optimize pricing policies. 

We have a proprietary set of economic models, developed over several decades, that can help inform commercial strategy in a unique way. For example, our household composition model offers unique insights in the market.

Case Study:

  • Pricing Optimization: BDO supported an airport operator in optimizing its pricing strategy and audited a mutual health provider’s healthcare expense inflation forecasts.
  • Commercial Network Design: BDO assisted a major banking and insurance company in analyzing its client portfolio and sizing its sales force for launching a new health insurance offering.

Adapting Sourcing Strategies

Supply chain challenges are shifting due to geopolitical, climatic and regulatory changes, proving that infinite growth is impossible in a finite world. Businesses must revise their sourcing policy in view of the resources scarcity, the fill need for greener alternatives and recycling initiatives. Price inflation necessitates a better understanding of supplier cost drivers to improve negotiating positions.

BDO helps clients:

  • Assess supply chain risks, particularly in the context of climate transition and resource scarcity.
  • Analyze supplier costs to enhance negotiation strategies.


Case Studies :

  • Defined raw material procurement strategies in the context of climate change for L’Oréal.
  • Analyzed the impact of biofuels in aviation for an energy consortium.
  • Assessed the position and costs of an airline to improve negotiations for an airport concessionaire.

Resizing and Upskilling Teams

Market changes drive rapid shifts in job and skill requirements.

BDO assists clients—businesses, vocational training organizations (Opco), and professional associations—in assessing the impact of market transformations on employment and skills.


Case Studies

  • Supported SNCF Réseau in planning workforce size and identifying medium-term skill requirements.
  • Assisted aerospace industry stakeholders in Occitanie and Nouvelle Aquitaine in evaluating employment and skill needs for producing the first low-carbon aircraft.
  • Worked with OPCO 2i to assess the ecological transition’s impact on jobs and skills across 32 industrial sectors, with a focus on healthcare industries.
  • Partnered with OPCO 2i and businesses from textile, leather, footwear, and luxury sectors to project and scenario-plan the evolution of skills and roles within these industries.