Financial Services

Comprehensive Solutions in Audit, Advisory, and Taxation for Financial Institutions

The financial services sector—encompassing banks, asset managers, insurance firms, and investment entities—is under unprecedented scrutiny due to regulatory reforms, risk oversight, and evolving business models. BDO leverages its extensive expertise and global presence to support financial institutions in navigating these challenges effectively.

Key focus areas for financial sector professionals:

  • Regulator expectations and market best practices; 
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements and their impact on organizations; 
  • Combating money laundering and terrorist financing; 
  • Risk management, capital and liquidity requirements; 
  • The evolution of business models in the face of competition and new market entrants.

Fort d’un réseau international qui s’appuie sur une présence dans 166 pays, BDO est basé là vous opérez. 

This presence allows us to address cross-cutting themes while leveraging expertise on specific topics in your audit and consulting missions.

Operating in the main areas of the financial sector, our team brings its experience and skills to support you on accounting, financial, and risk issues. Retail banking, asset management and investment firms, consumer finance, investment banking, and insurance are integral parts of our expertise.

Statutory audit

Certification of financial statements, internal control reviews, 
and regulatory reporting.

Risk Advisory Services

Strategic risk assessments, regulatory gap analyses, 
and compliance reviews.

Financial advisory services

Transactional support, due diligence, restructuring, 
and valuation services.

BDO supports banks in facing market evolution

In response to recent crises, the financial sector (banks, insurance companies, investment funds, capital markets) has been dealing for many years with issues related to risk management, good governance, regulatory challenges, technical questions, and the emergence of bold competitors in fintech.

Adapt to remain competitive in the face of profound and rapid market transformations.

Your Key Contacts

Vincent Genibrel BDO

Vincent Genibrel

Partner, Financial Services
View bio
Benjamin Izarié BDO

Benjamin Izarié

Partner, Financial Services
View bio