
Identify Market Disruptions and Assess Their Impact

Our clients experience disruptions in their market from macroeconomic shocks, socio-demographic changes, evolving customer needs, technological advances, new regulation and the entry of new competitors. The negative impact of these disruptions can hinder growth and lead to unforeseen events.

Identifying Disruptions

Business institutions and public institutions are faced with tectonic shifts in their ecosystems, such as macroeconomic shocks, socio-demographic changes, regulatory shifts, climate change and so on.

We help our clients focus on what is happening in the markets while anticipating the effects of disruptions, using tailored or sector-specific market studies (e.g., Euroconstruct studies). We also offer continuing sector-specific clubs in major economic sectors including construction, industrial vehicles, pharmaceuticals, health insurance, and mobility.

Case Study: Complementary Health Insurance Club

As part of this club, BDO Advisory collaborates with key players to analyze the dynamics of health expenditures:

  • Sharing insights into the macroeconomic environment, its impact on social accounts, and forecasts for health expenditures (e.g., effects of LFSS on ONDAM).
  • Presenting predictions for health insurance claims segmented by expense categories.
  • Breaking down these forecasts by type of coverage, assessing the impact of new contributions (e.g., mental health coverage, COVID taxes, transfers from Health Insurance).
  • Conducting co-designed studies and surveys with members on public perceptions of health and complementary insurance.

Evaluating Opportunities and Risks of Disruptions

Market disruptions present both opportunities and risks. We help clients evaluate these impacts through various methods, including impact studies, competitive benchmarking, and quantitative modeling of market disruptions.

BDO Advisory is among the few firms in France capable of delivering medium-term market forecasts, combining economic expertise with sector-specific knowledge to translate macroeconomic trends into actionable insights for clients.

Références :

  • Rolls-Royce: BDO Advisory analyzed and developed short- and medium-term forecasts for the aviation market dynamics amid the COVID crisis.
  • French Automotive Industry Platform (PFA): BDO Advisory created forecasts for the evolution of the powertrain mix for light vehicles globally through 2040 under various scenarios.