Extra-financial Reporting

Non-Financial Performance Declaration

As an Independent Third-Party Body, BDO is accredited by COFRAC for validation and verification under accreditation number 3-1900. The scope of this accreditation is available on the COFRAC website (www.cofrac.fr). This includes the verification of Non-Financial Performance Declarations (DPEF) and the verification of mission-driven companies.

We operate in compliance with Decree 2020-1 of January 2, 2020, regarding the verification of mission-driven companies.

The DPEF, or Non-Financial Performance Declaration, is a report that companies are required to produce annually to disclose their social, environmental, and societal impact. Established under the Grenelle II law in 2010, it applies to:

  • Companies with more than 500 employees;
  • Publicly traded companies.

The DPEF aims to ensure greater transparency in sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR) by requiring companies to evaluate and communicate their non-financial performance.

The DPEF includes two distinct parts:

  1. Policies: A description of the company’s policies on sustainable development and CSR.
  2. Performance: An evaluation of the company’s performance against specific indicators.

The DPEF is a crucial tool for assessing a company's commitment to sustainable development and CSR, encouraging them to adopt more sustainable and responsible practices.

Since the introduction of mission-driven companies under the Pacte Law in May 2019, their numbers have steadily increased. French companies are engaging in a structured process, incorporating into their bylaws their raison d’être, the resulting social and environmental objectives, and the mechanisms for monitoring mission execution, including appointing a mission committee and an independent third party.

This status allows companies to:

  • Demonstrate their societal contribution;
  • Meet stakeholder expectations effectively.

As an Independent Third Party, you will find :

To uphold independence and impartiality, BDO does not conduct verification missions for companies where consulting services have been provided. Verification programs are available upon request through the contact form on our website: (8.1 Program: Verification of DPEF (2024-10-01) and 8.2 Program: Verification of Mission-Driven Companies (2024-10-01).

Votre principal contact

Audrey Leroy BDO

Audrey Leroy

Partner, Audit & Assurance, CSR Specialist
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