A few details on the exceptional aid of 1500 euros

We have just received some technical details regarding obtaining the aid of 1500 euros which we have described the modalities of allocation in this article

  1. Companies that can obtain this assistance must have a profit of no more than 60,000 euros.
    What is this benefit?
    This is the profit for the year ended 2019. We are talking about taxable income, so this is the tax benefit to which the executive or executives' compensation should be added when the company is in societal form.
  2. When a company controls one or more commercial companies, the threshold of 10 employees, that of turnover less than one million euros and finally that of profit less than 60,000 euros are appreciated by making the sum of all related entities.
  3. To obtain this assistance, a company must not be controlled by another trading company within the meaning of section L. 233-3 of the Trade Code.
  4. Bruno LEMAIRE announced on March 31st that in order to receive the aid, the company had to have achieved a turnover in March 2020 at least 50% lower than in March 2019 and no longer 70% as specified in the ordinance of March 26th,  2020.




However, some points of the decret are currently lacking in details, we will bring you more information soon.


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