Solidarity Fund for March 2021

1st situation: companies whose reception of the public has been prohibited without interruption in March 2021 (1)

To be eligible for the solidarity fund, these businesses must have lost at least 20% of their turnover in March.

  • The amount of aid is equal either to the amount of the loss of turnover, limited to EUR 10 000, or to 20 % of the reference turnover. Companies benefit from the most favorable option.
  • The aid is limited to EUR 200 000 at group level (2)


2nd situation: companies whose reception of the public has been prohibited for part of March 2021 (1)

To be eligible for the solidarity fund, these companies must have lost at least 20% of their turnover in March.

  • For enterprises that have lost at least 50 % of their turnover in March 2021, the amount of aid is equal either to the amount of the loss of turnover up to a limit of EUR 10 000 or to 20 % of the reference turnover. Companies benefit from the most favorable option.
  • For enterprises that have lost less than 50 % of their turnover in March 2021, the aid is equal to the lost turnover up to a limit of EUR 1 500
  • The aid is limited to EUR 200 000 at group level (2)



3rd situation: companies in the S1 sector that have lost at least 50% of their turnover in March 2021

Eligible companies are those whose main activity is part of the so-called S1 category, i.e. which is listed in annex 1 of decree no. 2020-371 as it stands on 12 April 2021.

  • If the loss of turnover ( of March 2021) is greater than or equal to 70%, the subsidy is equal either to the amount of the loss of turnover within the limit of 10,000 euros or to 20% of the reference turnover. Companies benefit from the more favorable option.
  • If the loss of turnover ( of March 2021) is less than 70 %, the grant is equal either to the amount of the loss of turnover up to EUR 10 000 or to 15 % of the reference turnover. Companies benefit from the more favorable option.
  • The aid is limited to EUR 200 000 at group level (2)


4th situation: enterprises in the S2 sector that have lost at least 50% of their turnover in March 2021

Eligible companies are those whose main activity is part of the so-called S1 bis category, i.e. which is listed in annex 2 of decree no. 2020-371 in its version in force on 12 April 2021. They must also meet at least one of the following three conditions:

1.         Either, for companies created before 1 March 2020, a loss of turnover of at least 80% during the period between 15 March 2020 and 15 May 2020 compared to the reference turnover;

2.         Or a loss of turnover of at least 80% in the period between 1 November 2020 and 30 November 2020 compared to the reference turnover;

3.         Or, for enterprises created before 1 December 2019, a loss of annual turnover between 2019 and 2020 of at least 10%.

  • If the loss of turnover (of March 2021) is greater than or equal to 70%, the subsidy is equal either to 20% of the reference turnover or to 80% of the loss of turnover up to a maximum of EUR 10 000. Companies benefit from the more favorable option. Where the loss of turnover is more than EUR 1 500, the minimum amount of the grant is EUR 1 500. Where the loss of turnover is less than or equal to EUR 1 500, the grant is equal to 100% of the loss of turnover;
  • If the loss of turnover (of March 2021) is less than 70%, the amount of the grant is equal to either 15% of the reference turnover or 80% of the loss of turnover up to a maximum of EUR 10 000. Companies benefit from the more favorable option. Where the loss of turnover is more than EUR 1 500, the minimum amount of the grant is EUR 1 500. Where the loss of turnover is less than or equal to EUR 1 500, the grant is equal to 100% of the loss of turnover.
  • The aid is limited to EUR 200 000 at group level (2)



5th situation: enterprises engaged in retail trade that have lost at least 50% of their turnover in March 2021 (1)

This situation applies to businesses that:

1.         Either have their main activity in retail trade (excluding cars and motorbikes) or in the rental of residential property and are domiciled in a municipality (ski resort) listed in annex 3 of decree no. 2020-371 ;

2.         Or carry out their main activity in retail trade and have at least one sales outlet located in a shopping center comprising one or more buildings, with a usable commercial surface area of 10,000 square meters or more, which has been subject to a ban on the reception of the public without interruption from 1 March 2021 to 31 March 2021, pursuant to Article 37 of Decree No. 2020-1310.

  • If the loss of turnover (from March 2021) is greater than or equal to 70%, the subsidy is equal to either 20% of the reference turnover or 80% of the loss of turnover up to a maximum of 10,000 euros. Companies benefit from the more favorable option. Where the loss of turnover is more than EUR 1 500, the minimum amount of the grant is EUR 1 500. Where the loss of turnover is less than or equal to EUR 1 500, the grant is equal to 100% of the loss of turnover;
  • If the loss of turnover (from March 2021) is less than 70%, the amount of the grant is equal to either 15% of the reference turnover or 80% of the loss of turnover up to a maximum of EUR 10 000. Companies benefit from the more favorable option. Where the loss of turnover is more than EUR 1 500, the minimum amount of the grant is EUR 1 500. Where the loss of turnover is less than or equal to EUR 1 500, the grant is equal to 100% of the loss of turnover.
  • The aid is limited to EUR 200 000 at group level (2)


6th situation: other enterprises having lost at least 50 % of their turnover by March 2021

In order to benefit from the solidarity fund, these companies must also meet a staffing condition - which is not the case for companies in the five previous situations - that is not to exceed 50 employees at group level (250 employees for companies domiciled in Mayotte).

  • The subsidy is equal to the loss of turnover up to a limit of 1,500 euros (3,000 euros for companies domiciled in Mayotte)
  • The aid is limited to 200,000 euros at group level (2)

Download the March 2021 ESF Summary Document

(1) With the exception of companies that have been the subject of an order issued by the departmental prefect ordering the closure of the company in application of the third paragraph of article 29 of decree no. 2020-1310. this paragraph states that "the departmental prefect may, by order issued after formal notice has remained unanswered, order the closure of establishments receiving the public that do not implement the obligations applicable to them in application of this decree.

(2) In this context, "a group is either a company that is neither controlled by another company nor controls another company under the conditions provided for in Article L. 233-3 of the Commercial Code, or a group of companies and own-account companies linked together under the conditions provided for in the aforementioned Article L. 233-3" (Article 1 of Decree No. 2020-371).

Our experts are constantly monitoring regulatory changes providing support to businesses. Our articles are updated by midday on the basis of press releases and the publication of decrees by official bodies, which are deciphered by our experts. There may sometimes be a couple of hours delay between the official texts and our publication, the purpose of which is to provide you with preliminary answers to your questions.